EME 2040: Blog Journal #3

     Copyright is the legal right to publish, print, film, or perform material. Originators of these materials give authorization and access for others to copyright. In the United States copyright law, fair use allows others, under certain circumstances, to copyright without the need for permission. With fair use, individuals can copy verbatim for purposes that deal with criticism, teaching, and news reporting. As a teacher, I hope to set the rules for plagiarism in the classroom. This is something that I will not tolerate, and I will actively monitor my students' work especially when they use outside sources to find information. A good method to use for plagiarism purposes is Turnitin. This is a great resource to check if my students have copied another's work. Also, if I suspect a student is cheating, I can verify with another student's exam/homework and look for any similar sentences or even handwriting.

    Two technology implementation issues that I would have in the classroom is cyberbullying and academic dishonesty. Both of these issues will not be tolerated in my classroom. When it comes to cyberbullying, it can be difficult to identify the student responsible for the issue. However, I want to create a classroom environment that is welcoming to all students. For example, I want to create a Twitter blog that only gives access to students from my class. Twice a week, I would have students write encouraging tweets about a classmate on the Twitter blog. Every week, my students will write about a different classmate. For academic dishonesty, I plan to be a fair teacher. This means that I will set the ground rules from the beginning about being honesty with me and a student's classmate. If I were to witness academic dishonesty, I would approach the student, explain the situation, and ask for the truth. If the student chooses to be dishonest, then consequences will arise with the principal. However, I will be fair if a student is honest about a situation. Depending on the situation, further consequences may take place. 

    I enjoyed creating my PLN diagram. I incorporated context, needs, time, and both online and offline resources. I learned how to be organized with the creation of the PLN diagram. In the future, I hope to use a PLN diagram for organizational purposes. This can be an outline for me and the lesson plans I create for the week. I think I could improve my PLN diagram. For example, I could be more specific when I mention context, needs, and time. I can even relate each of these categories to a lesson activity for the week. 
