EME 2040: Blog #2

    Throughout elementary and middle school, I used MS Word. I took computers during those ten years, and I had to complete assignments using MS Word. Specifically, my computer teacher allowed us to practice our typing whenever we used Word. She would write a couple words on the board, and we had to type it in a Word document. Also, my middle and high school teachers required me to write several essays via Word document. My teachers did not like when I used Pages due to formatting issues. Ever since FSU, I use MS Word on a daily basis. It allows me to be organize and take notes, and I can use it for formatting purposes. 
    Personally, I do not like Google Docs. I prefer MS Word. On Word, I am able to view the pages whereas Google Docs is just one continuous document. Although Google Docs allows participants to view and edit, I still prefer MS Word. I have ultimate control of any changes I choose to make to the document. 
    The standard that is most meaningful to me is the leadership standard. This standard focuses on great leaders not only in the classroom, but in the world. This means that a leader shapes an individual in a positive way. I believe that I am a leader myself, and I think it is important for educators to make great leaders in the classroom. Educators are the ultimate leaders in the classroom, and they should share their skills to their students. Educators should have a vision for not only themselves, but for their students. It is important for them to share that message and goal with their students. 
    I do believe today's generation are "digital natives". This generation has such basic access to the Internet, and they are able to navigate the Web very easily. Because of today's advances in technology, our generation has been given this tool to interact with others in a virtual sense. A digital native is someone who can use technology in an effective and efficient way. These are individuals who can navigate the Web with just a click of a button. I think some of my past educators were more "tech savvy" when using the Internet. Regardless of their generation, educators have adapted to this new technology. In the classroom, my teachers and peers use technology, and there have been few instances where a digital native needs to help a digital immigrant. As a future educator, I will allow my students to use technology in an educational way. However, I also want to incorporate activities that do not involve technology. I want my students to be able to interact with each other face-to-face.  


  1. Hi, Sofia. I like your desire to use technology to help your students develop as global leaders. You made an excellent point when you indicated that "digital immigrant" teachers may be tech-savvy as well. Similarly, not all "digital native" students are tech-savvy, and we should be cautious of assuming that simply because they are young, all of our students will have technology skills and knowledge we anticipate. Thank you for the thoughtful post!


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